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What are the different types of grey hair used in hair systems?

What are the different types of grey hair used in hair systems?

Posted by Superhairpieces on May 27, 2022

A good portion of hair replacement system wearers at Superhairpieces tend to be on the older side. Because of this, grey hair is an essential part of any hair system. As we mentioned in our blog on how to choose the right hair density, it’s important that you select the right one based on factors such as your age so that it looks natural. Part of this is also selecting a percentage of grey hair for your hair system. After all, how many people do you know that don’t have any grey or white hair whatsoever as they age into their forties and fifties?

In this blog, we will look at the different types of grey hair used in Superhairpieces hair systems so you will not only know the various types, but can select one based on your desired preferences.

Synthetic grey hair

Synthetic grey hair

The most common grey hair that is used is synthetic grey. What this synthetic grey is made of specifically is Japanese Kanekalon synthetic fibers. At Superhairpieces, you can select anywhere from five percent synthetic grey to even 100 percent synthetic grey hair. Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of synthetic grey hair.


Most durable grey hair: With synthetic grey hair, you don’t need to worry about its durability. It will last a long time, but this doesn’t mean you can wear your men’s toupee for ages or beyond its estimated or general lifespan. This is because other factors come into play such as how much human hair you’re wearing, the type of knotting or ventilation and the type of base you’re using whether it’s a lace hair system or a poly skin hair system.

Most white and will remain that way without changing colors: Synthetic grey hair is the whitest grey hair that we offer and the best part? It will remain as white as it was when you first received it. You don’t need to worry about the color fading to yellow. Additionally, synthetic grey hair won’t be affected by UV light rays like human hair does.

Can be ordered with stock hair systems: Another benefit of synthetic grey hair is that it can be ordered with our popular stock hair systems such as the M111 thin skin hair system. Other types of grey hair usually require a custom order or in the case of European grey hair, will cost more.

As long as you need: Unlike the other grey hair types we offer that only have a maximum of 10’’, synthetic grey hair can come in any length that you desire. However, in this scenario, you will need to place a custom order.


Does not feel or look as good as human hair: Just like with regular synthetic hair colors, synthetic grey hair does not look or feel as natural as human hair, especially when compared together. This is natural as human hair is the real thing. But with that said, synthetic hair today looks a lot more realistic and natural looking than it did in previous years thanks to the advances in technology.

Cannot be dyed or permed: Synthetic grey hair more often than not, cannot be dyed or permed. So if you ever decide you want to dye your grey hair in the future, it’s probably best to get a solid color hair system or use grey hair that is human hair. This is because the fibers that synthetic hair are made out of don’t allow it to get bleached or dyed. And just like with regular synthetic hair, they are not very heat-resistant so heat styling products like curlers, straighteners or perm tools are out of the question.

More tangling and more maintenance: While synthetic grey hair is durable, it’s also more prone to tangling than human hair. This is one reason why human hair wigs last longer than synthetic hair wigs. It requires a lot more maintenance and care, so if you’re not one who prefers to do that or have the time, it’s probably best to avoid synthetic grey hair.

Yaki grey hair

Yaki grey hair

Yaki hair is human hair that is texturized the same way as the hair of a yak by means of chemical processing. Many people prefer this type of hair for the texture which is usually long, bushy, shaggy and thick with zigzag shapes. It’s also a popular choice for those with Afro-American hair texture.

However, the yaki grey hair offered at Superhairpieces is real yak hair so you are getting the real deal! It should be noted that some hair system suppliers tend to deceive customers by selling horsehair or horse tail hair as yaki hair. So with that said, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of yaki grey hair.


The hair looks fuller: Given its texture, yaki grey hair has a more full and voluminous look compared to other types of hair. This is one of the reasons many prefer to go with Yaki grey hair as it suits their requirements. It is also the second-purest white hair behind synthetic grey.

Ideal for Afro-American hair: Yaki grey hair is particularly suited for those who have an Afro-American hair texture as it mimics that type of hair a lot more than other grey hair types.

Stronger and lasts longer than human hair: Since the yaki grey hair we offer is actually yak hair, it is much stronger than regular human hair. As a result, it also lasts a lot longer than human hair which may be one reason you decide to go with it. Unlike synthetic hair, you are also free to perm or dye this grey hair as you see fit.


Custom orders only: Unlike synthetic grey hair, you cannot order Yaki grey hair with our stock hair systems. Instead, you will have to select it while purchasing a custom made hair system which can make your order slightly more expensive than usual.

Can be stiff and rough, not as natural as human hair: Because of its long, bushy, shaggy and thick texture, Yaki grey hair can be stiff, rough and have a bit of a kink, which may not make it feel as good, both while wearing and while running your fingers through the strands. Additionally, it is not as natural looking as human hair which might be a deal breaker for some.

Harder to cut and style: Because of the previous point, when it comes to maintaining and styling Yaki grey hair, it can be a bit of a challenge, especially compared to human grey hair. Like human hair hair, it can also fade over time.

Human grey hair

Human grey hair

As the name suggests, human grey hair is grey hair from real human hair, usually using Chinese Remy or Indian Remy hair. At Superhairpieces, all of our human hair is ethically sourced, and the same goes for grey hair which is usually processed to achieve that color. When it comes to Superhairpieces stock hair systems, we offer human grey hair at select percentages based on the hair unit. The most common percentages are usually 70 percent or 80 percent. If you would like a specific percentage, you will have to go for a customized stock order.


Natural looking hair: Human grey hair is hair that is extracted from hair providers, so it’s only to be expected that it will not only look good and natural, but also feel soft and natural compared to other types of hair, especially in comparison with synthetic grey.

Can be ordered with stock systems: Unlike Yaki grey or European grey hair, you can order human grey hair with Superhairpieces stock hair systems. There are only certain percentages you can order, but they come at no extra cost.

Easy to manage and style: If you’re one who likes to style your hair, human grey hair is a great choice as you can style, perm or dye it anyway you prefer. It also doesn’t tangle or mat like synthetic hair does which is another great bonus point.


Can fade in color: Compared to the previous grey hairs, human hair is not really bright white. Additionally, it has a chance of fading or turning yellow after a few months. You can use a purple or no yellow shampoo to combat this, but it’s not ideal for everyone.

Delicate: Human grey hair is delicate and not very durable when compared to synthetic hair or even European human grey hair. In addition, there are no scalp oils or sebum to moisturize and repair the hair when it gets dry. This is why you shouldn’t expect the hair to last long, especially if you’re wearing an ultra thin skin hair system such as the M111 or HD111. It is also a reason why human hair requires the most care.

Limited options: As aforementioned, human grey hair comes in limited options with the most common being 70 percent or 80 percent with select stock hair systems. So if you desire a different percentage, you will have to place a customized stock order.

European grey hair

European hair

The last type of grey hair offered at Superhairpieces is European grey hair. As the name suggests, this is hair extracted by European hair providers and processed to a grey color. This hair is usually thin and soft in addition to being the darkest grey hair option as it is usually silver grey in color. Let’s take a look at some of its pros and cons.


Premium hair: European grey hair boasts qualities like being thin and soft while also having a silky texture which can be a big preference for certain hair system wearers. In addition, it undergoes less processing than Chinese or Indian hair due to its natural blonde, brown or red, ashy tones, so it tends to look and feel better than regular Remy human hair while also being slightly more durable. All these factors make European grey hair premium and somewhat rare.

Can be permed or dyed: Just like regular human hair, European grey hair can be styled, permed or dyed to your heart’s content.


More expensive: Given its rarity, European grey hair is usually more expensive than other types of grey hair offered at Superhairpieces. With that said, any hair system that uses any form of European hair generally tends to be more expensive than those that use other types of hair.

Only with custom orders: Like Yaki grey hair, European grey hair is not offered with any Superhairpieces stock hair system. The only way to get European grey hair is with a custom order which can make the wait time for a new system a bit longer. However, you can get a custom system in less than three months guaranteed by using our rush delivery option!

Grey hair lengths offered at Superhairpieces

Below, you can find the lengths that we offer at Superhairpieces when it comes to our grey hair offerings.

Type of grey hair
European human grey hair
Indian/Chinese human grey hair
Yaki grey hair
Synthetic grey hair
Any length

You can also refer to the image below to get a basic idea of how the various hair types stand and flow.

how the various hair types stand and flow

Finally, you can view the following table with a brief summary of all the grey hair types we’ve discussed so far:

Synthetic grey hair
Yaki grey hair
Human grey hair
European grey hair
Color can fade
Natural looking
Easy to style / manage
Can be dyed or permed
Can be ordered with stock hair systems
Ranking from most white to least
Ranking from most durable to least


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