The Wig Chronicles of John Travolta
Posted by Superhairpieces on Jun 09, 2023
John Travolta, a Hollywood legend best known for his charismatic looks, dazzling smile and electrifying performances since Grease and Saturday Night Fever, has captivated audiences for decades.
Hollywood, as we know it, wouldn't be the same without John Travolta’s long, flowy hair or greased-back hair look in the 70s and 80s. His hair had an identity of its own, so it wasn't difficult to notice when he started showing significant signs of male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia, a common male hair thinning problem that eventually leads to a balding scalp or a bald crown area.
Sometimes even the most iconic figures in the film industry use artificial means to create visual illusions to enhance their appearance. One such intriguing case is that of John Travolta, whose association with wearing wigs and toupees throughout his career garnered quite some attention, leaving people with several unanswered questions.
Since when has John Travolta been wearing a wig?

Travolta has worn many hairpieces for men on and off-screen over the years, making it difficult to keep track of the progress of his natural hair loss and receding hairline. His eye-catching wigs for his roles in Hairspray, Pulp Fiction, and Battlefield Earth made his fans go gaga over him all over again.
It wasn't until the 1990s that Travolta's hair loss became more prominent, edging him towards experimenting with different kinds of men’s hair systems. Over the years, he wore many human hair toupees for men to get a concealed, seamless, and realistic look, allowing him to maintain the appearance of a full head of hair in public.
With the dawn of the new millennium, his wig era took a fresh avatar with him going all out, embracing human hair wigs for men to restore his youthful appearance in a discreet manner. A good look at his many pictures online will tell you that non-surgical hair systems became his go-to hair restoration method to get versatile hairstyles for consistently polished appearances.
His thinning hair and receding hairline spent years comfortably hiding under a hair system. This sparked interest and curiosity among intrigued fans, leading to further speculations without an official confirmation from the superstar himself.
How do we know that John Travolta has been using hair systems?

You don't need to follow his hair transformation journey closely to know that he has definitely been using different hairpieces over the last few years. What else can explain the dramatic change in the shape of his hairline every so often? Sometimes, you can see an apparent widow’s peak, while the next time, it suddenly becomes straight. No natural hairline changes that way.
Besides, his luscious tresses display a change in color, cut, length, and style so often that one is persuaded to consider him exploring the flexibility of wearing wigs and toupees for men.
Sometimes, eagle-eyed fans and media personnel have even seen traces of a lace-front hair unit or glue along his hairline, which convinces one of his obvious use of toupees and other hairpieces.
Did John Travolta go in for a hair transplant?
If sources are to be believed, John Travolta has definitely been under the knife and got a hair transplant surgery done. He maintained that lush look for some time before going completely bald again for reasons unknown. This proves that hair loss is a journey of highs and lows, but the fastest and safest way to get a full head of hair is by using a hair system.
Why does John Travolta wear wigs?

Maintaining a youthful appearance is greatly valued in the entertainment industry, where looks often influence work opportunities. Travolta's wigs have allowed him to retain his trademark charm, even as time took its toll on his famous locks. Apart from becoming an essential tool for quickly transforming into different characters, embracing wigs also symbolized his self-expression in his personal lifestyle.
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Is John Travolta bald?

After years of using hair systems, John Travolta finally acknowledged their presence in his life. But soon after, he found acceptance with his bald head look in his movie From Paris With Love, and maybe that was the motivation behind revealing his bald head for the first time in public. Now, at the age of 69, he could care less about having a full head of hair, but his decades of wig use stand to prove his loyalty to hairpieces for an enhanced appearance.
The evolution of John Travolta's hairpieces has been nothing short of a hair-raising tale. His impeccable wig journey is a case in point for all those individuals who want to experiment with different hairstyles, colors, and textures to express their inner selves. Whether for fashion, convenience, or boosting self-esteem, wigs have become a popular choice for many. With advancements in technology, modern wigs are more realistic, comfortable, and accessible than ever before.
If John Travolta's wig revelation inspires you to explore your own transformation, book a consultation with our experts to get valuable insights to help you make an informed decision. Superhairpieces offers high-quality, comfortable non-surgical hair replacement systems for men at affordable prices that are downright unbeatable. Get your hands on our 100% Remy human hair hairpiece today!