How to get the most realistic and undetectable hair system look
Posted by Superhairpieces on Sep 27, 2022
When it all comes down to it, the one thing everyone wants in their hair replacement system is a natural look. Durability is great as it saves money and lasts a long time, but as we know, a hairpiece cannot truly be equally durable and natural-looking at the same time. There is always a trade-off.
That is why in many cases, hair wearers tend to opt for a natural look as that’s the end goal of a hairpiece. After all, there is no point in wearing a hairpiece if people don’t think it’s your real hair. So with that said, this blog will look at how exactly you can get the most realistic and undetectable hair system as well as provide hair system recommendations.
What makes a hair system natural-looking?

The main thing to remember is that the thinner the base, the more natural and realistic your hairpiece will look. This is why thin skin poly systems and lace hair systems are ideal for getting the most natural-looking appearance. Because they are thinner, it is less obvious that you are wearing a hairpiece compared to the more durable but thicker monofilament hair systems.
With poly skin, in particular, where it is see through, it is virtually undetectable that you’re wearing a hair system as your scalp will be visible rather than any base material. Of course, the thinner your hair system, the less durable it will be. But that’s a price many are willing to pay in order to get the most realistic appearance with a hair replacement system. With that said, there are other factors that come into play besides the base thickness when it comes to achieving a natural-looking appearance.
The front hairline is crucial

The most important factor when it comes to achieving a natural look is your front hairline. After all, it’s your face that most people are going to see the most and especially when you have a new head of hair. If your hairline looks off, it’s a dead giveaway that the hair on your scalp is not your actual natural hair.
“If it’s not natural, people will obviously detect you’re wearing a hairpiece,” says Superhairpieces stylist Christina. “The hairline will look a lot more harsh and distinct. So the fact that it blends in a lot easier from thinner to fuller, it makes it look a lot more natural.”
One way to make your hairline look natural and seamless is by blow drying it a particular way. “If you blow dry under and up the hairline, it disguises the front hairline,” Christina explains. “If they blow dry it completely up, you’ll actually see the outline of the hairline more often. Sometimes, bleached knots help with making the hairline not so distinctive because the knots are a lot more invisible.”
For a visual example of what Christina means, you can watch her demonstrate below:
Tips to make your hair system look even more natural

We now know that thin skin poly and lace systems are the best for attaining a natural look as well as the importance of the front hairline. But what else can help you achieve a more realistic appearance? The bonding is one thing to consider. Tape is easier to attach and remove than glue. However, they can give off a shine which can peek through particularly in lace systems.
“For lace systems, using a No Shine tape can help,” says Christina. “A tape that’s more matte than shiny because usually when tapes are a little more shiny, it kind of peeks through the lace and people can notice the shine and it makes it look a little bit more unnatural.”
Liquid adhesives, meanwhile, not only offer a more precise attachment, but are more natural overall as they are flat on the hair system compared to tape. “If clients are on an all-liquid frontal, it does look more natural than just putting tape alone or even tape and glue together,” says Christina. “Just glue alone actually makes it look more natural.”
The placement of the hair system and hairline also matters. Superhairpieces client Rick has become somewhat of a cult figure for all the videos and information he provides to other hair system wearers.
However, one comment we always see on his videos is about how natural-looking his front hairline looks. Other than the fact that he usually wears natural-looking thin skin bases, a big factor is the placement of the hair system on his front hairline.
“I find the placement of the hairline is crucial to make it look natural,” says Christina. “One, you don’t want it too far back that your forehead is so big, but you don’t want it so far down that you don’t have a forehead at all. At the same time, you need to know where the placement is, and also make it look age-appropriate to how old the person is. If someone’s older and they have a low forehead, it doesn’t make sense.”
Recommended natural-looking hair systems

You might be wondering what the best hair systems are if a natural look is your top priority. But it’s not as simple as just picking one. You have to consider the features of the base as well as your lifestyle.
“It depends on their daily lifestyle and how often they want to maintain it,” Christina adds. “For skin base systems, maintenance is required every two weeks whereas with a lace system, they can go possibly three to four weeks since it’s a little more breathable.”
The type of knots can also play a role in delivering a natural look, so that’s another thing to look out for. Some thin skin poly systems are ventilated with v-loop knotting where the hair is looped into the base of the unit to hide the knots. Notable systems that use the v-loop ventilation are the HD111 and M111, both of which are recommended by Christina. But if you prefer lace systems, she also has recommendations:
“For a lace base, I personally like the M115 or the M116 because it has the poly temple to temple for durability. But the lace is still very thin. But then again, with thinner bases, you get thinner density so you don’t get the full density.”
Don’t be discouraged if a unit doesn’t carry too much density. It’s natural to want a high percentage of hair density as that means thicker and more voluminous hair, but too much can make your system look very unnatural and obvious.
“Thinner bases have a thinner density because they only hold a certain amount of density. If you want something with thicker density, you’re going to end up with a thicker base that makes it not look natural. It has to be able to support the density.”
Do you require further assistance in choosing the most natural-looking hair system for your needs? Consider booking an online consultation so our hair specialists can take a close look and provide you with the best recommendations based on your requirements and lifestyle!
Interested in learning more about getting started with hair systems? Browse through our website at (US & International) or (CAN)
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