
How to write a review on Superhairpieces

"Verified reviews from customers

who have bought our products

would be authentic."

How to write a Verified Review?

  1. Look out for an email requesting you to review your purchased product around two weeks after your order has been received.
  2. Provide your rating for the product from one to five stars. (Five stars is the highest rating which means you were completely satisfied).
  3. Name the title of your review (it can be a short summary of your review).
  4. Provide a more detailed review of your product and experience using it.
  5. Select “Yes” or “No” for the “Do you recommend this product?” option.
  6. Leave the box unchecked so that your review is not anonymous.
  7. Click “Publish your review.”

You can get reward points!

  • After you click "Publish your review", you will then be redirected to a new form where you can upload photos or a video. Click on “Upload a Photo” or “Upload a Video” to add them to your review.
  • Done! You can now share your photo or video review!
  • Your reward points will be automatically added to your account. Please login to your Superhairpieces account to redeem them for discounts!

Every Photo review = 10000 points!($5)

Every Video review = 20000 points!($10)

Verified examples

  • Write a review from email
  • Review And Redeem Reward Points

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